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Shamanic Healing Altar Piece- Palo Santo, Celestite, Blue Flourite cubes, Chrysocolla

Celestial Light on Earth
Enhances Intuition, Psychic Awareness & Spiritual Development; Fosters Clear Heart Centered Communication; Aids with Connecting to Higher Realms, the Divine Feminine, the Elementals , Mother Earth & Inner Wisdom; Repels Negative Energies & Brings in Healing Uplifting Energies; Raises Consciousness & Vibration; Promotes Physical Healing by Clearing & Releasing Heavy Emotions, Sabotaging Behaviors, Fear & Patterned Thoughts; Empowers Setting Clear Boundaries & Speaking Your Truth with Compassion & Honesty; Accelerates Creative Expression & Spiritual Growth; Opens, Aligns & Amplifies the Chakras; Aids with Taking Action toward Dreams & Goals; Encourages Optimism, Deep Meditation, Peace, Courage, Strength, Inner Vision, Confidence, Harmony, Vulnerability & Generosity.

Palo Santo – “Holy wood” - is believed to have the ability to drive away negative spirits, entities, or harmful energies, and attract positive spirits and healing, uplifting energies.

Celestite - opens you up to heavenly light and heightened states of consciousness! This includes the Angelic realm, connecting you to your Angels, guardians and Spirit Guides. It accelerates your growth and aids in creative expression, peace of mind, truth and clear speech. It is great for balancing your energies and promoting peace and the joy that flows from being centered. Celestite helps you with astral travel and dream recall, and its ability to clear your mind is cleansing and revitalizing, especially if you are in a stressful situation.

Blue Fluorite – psychically and physically protective; aids with discernment; cleanses and stabilizes the aura; draws off negative energies and stress; ground and integrates spiritual energies; quickens spiritual awakenings. Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It helps one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our mind. A great stone to calm and relieve anxiety and stress. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues.

Chrysocolla - giving you renewed strength and balance. It can also help you to become attuned to the Earth and assists with communicating with the spiritual forces of the Earth. Calms, cleans and reenergizes all the chakras and aligns the with the divine. Draws out guilt and reverses destructive emotional programming. Heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. Improves communication, encourages growth and opens psychic vision. Encourages self-awareness and inner balance. Enhances personal power and creativity.

Apophyllite - used to create a conscious connection between your physical form and the spiritual realm. Activates your heart energies and assists you in being a channel of pure love. Excellent for clarity of thought and enhancing inner knowing, especially when faced with any belief systems which are based on fear; great for loving yourself and aiding you in becoming more spiritually whole.

Flame Aura Quartz – Titanium Aura Quartz - Clear Quartz bonded with Titanium and Niobium; produces very deep blue, violet and golden metallic crystals. This crystal is excellent for use in spiritual initiations and rituals, and for deepening meditation and spiritual attunement. It creates a multi-dimensional energy shift, drawing kundalini energy up the spine and through the subtle bodies, adjusting its effect to provide what each soul needs for evolution. Stimulates the Third Eye and Higher Crown Chakras, enhancing focus and increasing the ability to “read” people at an energetic and subtle level and to understand the information that was communicated. It is a beneficial stone for creating and maintaining a state of homeostasis within the physical and emotional bodies.

Azurite – Guides psychic and intuitive development; urges the soul toward enlightenment; cleanses and stimulates the 3rd eye; raises consciousness to higher level; facilitates meditative and channeling state; powerful healer; aids in understanding the effect of the mind and emotions on the body.

Cavansite - corresponds with the Thymus or Second Heart Chakra. Emanates the energy of humanity and oneness. Is very helpful in raising our own energy vibration, which allows meditation, dreams, channeling, work, and healing to come easily and effortlessly. It opens our heart centers allowing information to flow through us without the chatter of the mind interfering. It is also a reminder that what comes from the heart is truth. Helps us to speak from our heart with clarity.

Calcite - increases and amplifies energy. This makes it an excellent stone for distance healing, as well as other types of healing. Is a protecting, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. Also promotes creativity and imagination. Is said to increase prosperity. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as increasing intuition. A stone of spirituality and wisdom. Helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. A premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it a very purifying stone. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment. It a stone of reconciliation, can ameliorate arguments in a relationship, and help maintain a practical balance between the people in the relationship.

Galena- ‘Earth Stone’ for its grounding properties. Stimulates the process of alchemical self-transformation. Balances by harmonizing your physical, etheric & spiritual planes. A magnificent stone for initiating the process of awakening. Helps in retrieving lost parts of the soul. Excellent tool in discovering insight on the psycho-spiritual source of one’s problems. Can assist one in past-life regression work. Reflects light into the deepest darkest regions of one’s shadow self. Encourages Courage, compassion, love, peace and deep healing.

Quartz – powerful energy amplifier, attunes to the perfect energy of the person needing healing; raises energy to higher levels physically and spiritually, master healer. Quartz, injects clear white light into the aura that acts to elevate ones vibration and to purify stagnant energies and blockages.

Turquoise - one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures. Strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity and connection to the spirit world. A truth stone, it symbolizes a time to be honest with yourself. Much will be gained when you become still and see yourself as you truly are. This gemstone is a stone of self-realization helping you to better understand yourself, your ideas and emotions. It is a wonderful aid in analytical thinking. Attunes the physical to the higher realms. Aligns all chakras, creating a clear channel for the nurturing and creative energy of this sacred stone. Assists with strengthening boundaries for Empaths.

Blue Lace Agate – Healing stone; cooling and calming; bringing peace; activates and heals the throat chakra allowing free expression of thoughts and feelings; nurturing and supportive; aids in healing childhood trauma and neutralizing anger.

Blue Chalcedony - invokes a stillness of silent reverence. It's calming, and speaks of spirit and trust. Encourages reflection and meditation, its gentle radiance preparing us for action. Considered a nurturing stone, Chalcedony absorbs negative energy and dissipates it before it can be passed on. It promotes brotherhood and good will, opening the mind to new ideas, instilling feelings of benevolence and generosity.

Aquamarine – stone of courage and emotional clarity. Quiets and sharpens the mind; encourages taking responsibility for oneself; aids in breaking old habits; supports service and higher states of consciousness. Very connected to the Water realm; its calming nature, healing properties and the pull to dive deeper. Associated with the Throat Chakra and excellent for speakers and singers, or anyone who wants help speaking their truth. Encourages the ideal of service to the world and to the development of a humanity attuned to healing. Has been revered for centuries as a magical talisman. Called the gem of the mermaids. Promotes balanced mood, tolerance and empathy.
Sodalite - clears up mental confusion and re-establishes inner peace. Strengthens the power of mind over body and bridges the gap between your thoughts and your feelings. Aids with releasing fear and guilt. It also fosters knowledge, logic, rationality, efficiency, learning proficiency, consciousness, communication and wisdom. Enhances all communication skills. Fosters truth and honesty in communication. Helps heal old behavior patterns that no longer serve you. Wonderful stone for creative types, balancing both sides of the mind, and allowing your mind to come up with the emotional expression of your ideas in physical forms.

Labradorite - often called the ‘Temple of the Stars.’ In meditation, it brings the light of other planetary beings to the soul of the user, to bring the galactic evolved energies from other worlds to the Earth Plane. It can help you to traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance and providing clarity to psychic sight, patience and a sense of perfect timing. Is a stone of transformation. It clears, balances and protects your aura though changes, reduces stress and attracts success. It helps provide clarity and insight into your destiny. It can be used for dream recall and finding ways to use dreams in your daily life. Increases intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, helps with subconscious issues and provides mental illumination.

Turkey Medicine - Feathers - a spirit animal closely associated with honoring nature and the Earth. Symbol of abundance, this totem animal encourages us to honor our sources of nourishment, whether they are physical, emotional or spiritual. Reminds us to develop a harmonious relationship with the land and our environment and consider them as foundations to our well-being and sustenance. A powerful guide to unlocking the fullness of life and feeling content with what we have instead of accumulating material belongings to seek happiness.

Infused with the energies of Reiki & The Councils of Light.

8 inches tall, 10 inches wide.

Comes with a card that describes all the properties of the wood, stones, and animals.

Download my Free Self-Love Shamanic Vibration Meditation -

Blog - How to Care for Your Wood

Materials: Palo Santo,Sleeping Beauty Turquiose,Celestite,Blue Chalcedony,Blue Lace Agate,Aquamarine,Blue Fluorite cubes,Chrysocolla,Apophyllite,Flame Aura Quartz,Azurite,Cavansite with Quartz,Galena

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Palo Santo, Celestite, Fluorite, Chrysocolla, Apophyllite, Quartz, Azurite, Calcite, Galena, Turquoise, Shamanic Healing Altar Piece

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Shamanic Healing Altar Piece- Palo Santo, Celestite, Blue Flourite cubes, Chrysocolla

Celestial Light on Earth
Enhances Intuition, Psychic Awareness & Spiritual Development; Fosters Clear Heart Centered Communication; Aids with Connecting to Higher Realms, the Divine Feminine, the Elementals , Mother Earth & Inner Wisdom; Repels Negative Energies & Brings in Healing Uplifting Energies; Raises Consciousness & Vibration; Promotes Physical Healing by Clearing & Releasing Heavy Emotions, Sabotaging Behaviors, Fear & Patterned Thoughts; Empowers Setting Clear Boundaries & Speaking Your Truth with Compassion & Honesty; Accelerates Creative Expression & Spiritual Growth; Opens, Aligns & Amplifies the Chakras; Aids with Taking Action toward Dreams & Goals; Encourages Optimism, Deep Meditation, Peace, Courage, Strength, Inner Vision, Confidence, Harmony, Vulnerability & Generosity.

Palo Santo – “Holy wood” - is believed to have the ability to drive away negative spirits, entities, or harmful energies, and attract positive spirits and healing, uplifting energies.

Celestite - opens you up to heavenly light and heightened states of consciousness! This includes the Angelic realm, connecting you to your Angels, guardians and Spirit Guides. It accelerates your growth and aids in creative expression, peace of mind, truth and clear speech. It is great for balancing your energies and promoting peace and the joy that flows from being centered. Celestite helps you with astral travel and dream recall, and its ability to clear your mind is cleansing and revitalizing, especially if you are in a stressful situation.

Blue Fluorite – psychically and physically protective; aids with discernment; cleanses and stabilizes the aura; draws off negative energies and stress; ground and integrates spiritual energies; quickens spiritual awakenings. Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It helps one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our mind. A great stone to calm and relieve anxiety and stress. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues.

Chrysocolla - giving you renewed strength and balance. It can also help you to become attuned to the Earth and assists with communicating with the spiritual forces of the Earth. Calms, cleans and reenergizes all the chakras and aligns the with the divine. Draws out guilt and reverses destructive emotional programming. Heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. Improves communication, encourages growth and opens psychic vision. Encourages self-awareness and inner balance. Enhances personal power and creativity.

Apophyllite - used to create a conscious connection between your physical form and the spiritual realm. Activates your heart energies and assists you in being a channel of pure love. Excellent for clarity of thought and enhancing inner knowing, especially when faced with any belief systems which are based on fear; great for loving yourself and aiding you in becoming more spiritually whole.

Flame Aura Quartz – Titanium Aura Quartz - Clear Quartz bonded with Titanium and Niobium; produces very deep blue, violet and golden metallic crystals. This crystal is excellent for use in spiritual initiations and rituals, and for deepening meditation and spiritual attunement. It creates a multi-dimensional energy shift, drawing kundalini energy up the spine and through the subtle bodies, adjusting its effect to provide what each soul needs for evolution. Stimulates the Third Eye and Higher Crown Chakras, enhancing focus and increasing the ability to “read” people at an energetic and subtle level and to understand the information that was communicated. It is a beneficial stone for creating and maintaining a state of homeostasis within the physical and emotional bodies.

Azurite – Guides psychic and intuitive development; urges the soul toward enlightenment; cleanses and stimulates the 3rd eye; raises consciousness to higher level; facilitates meditative and channeling state; powerful healer; aids in understanding the effect of the mind and emotions on the body.

Cavansite - corresponds with the Thymus or Second Heart Chakra. Emanates the energy of humanity and oneness. Is very helpful in raising our own energy vibration, which allows meditation, dreams, channeling, work, and healing to come easily and effortlessly. It opens our heart centers allowing information to flow through us without the chatter of the mind interfering. It is also a reminder that what comes from the heart is truth. Helps us to speak from our heart with clarity.

Calcite - increases and amplifies energy. This makes it an excellent stone for distance healing, as well as other types of healing. Is a protecting, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. Also promotes creativity and imagination. Is said to increase prosperity. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as increasing intuition. A stone of spirituality and wisdom. Helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. A premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it a very purifying stone. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment. It a stone of reconciliation, can ameliorate arguments in a relationship, and help maintain a practical balance between the people in the relationship.

Galena- ‘Earth Stone’ for its grounding properties. Stimulates the process of alchemical self-transformation. Balances by harmonizing your physical, etheric & spiritual planes. A magnificent stone for initiating the process of awakening. Helps in retrieving lost parts of the soul. Excellent tool in discovering insight on the psycho-spiritual source of one’s problems. Can assist one in past-life regression work. Reflects light into the deepest darkest regions of one’s shadow self. Encourages Courage, compassion, love, peace and deep healing.

Quartz – powerful energy amplifier, attunes to the perfect energy of the person needing healing; raises energy to higher levels physically and spiritually, master healer. Quartz, injects clear white light into the aura that acts to elevate ones vibration and to purify stagnant energies and blockages.

Turquoise - one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures. Strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity and connection to the spirit world. A truth stone, it symbolizes a time to be honest with yourself. Much will be gained when you become still and see yourself as you truly are. This gemstone is a stone of self-realization helping you to better understand yourself, your ideas and emotions. It is a wonderful aid in analytical thinking. Attunes the physical to the higher realms. Aligns all chakras, creating a clear channel for the nurturing and creative energy of this sacred stone. Assists with strengthening boundaries for Empaths.

Blue Lace Agate – Healing stone; cooling and calming; bringing peace; activates and heals the throat chakra allowing free expression of thoughts and feelings; nurturing and supportive; aids in healing childhood trauma and neutralizing anger.

Blue Chalcedony - invokes a stillness of silent reverence. It's calming, and speaks of spirit and trust. Encourages reflection and meditation, its gentle radiance preparing us for action. Considered a nurturing stone, Chalcedony absorbs negative energy and dissipates it before it can be passed on. It promotes brotherhood and good will, opening the mind to new ideas, instilling feelings of benevolence and generosity.

Aquamarine – stone of courage and emotional clarity. Quiets and sharpens the mind; encourages taking responsibility for oneself; aids in breaking old habits; supports service and higher states of consciousness. Very connected to the Water realm; its calming nature, healing properties and the pull to dive deeper. Associated with the Throat Chakra and excellent for speakers and singers, or anyone who wants help speaking their truth. Encourages the ideal of service to the world and to the development of a humanity attuned to healing. Has been revered for centuries as a magical talisman. Called the gem of the mermaids. Promotes balanced mood, tolerance and empathy.
Sodalite - clears up mental confusion and re-establishes inner peace. Strengthens the power of mind over body and bridges the gap between your thoughts and your feelings. Aids with releasing fear and guilt. It also fosters knowledge, logic, rationality, efficiency, learning proficiency, consciousness, communication and wisdom. Enhances all communication skills. Fosters truth and honesty in communication. Helps heal old behavior patterns that no longer serve you. Wonderful stone for creative types, balancing both sides of the mind, and allowing your mind to come up with the emotional expression of your ideas in physical forms.

Labradorite - often called the ‘Temple of the Stars.’ In meditation, it brings the light of other planetary beings to the soul of the user, to bring the galactic evolved energies from other worlds to the Earth Plane. It can help you to traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance and providing clarity to psychic sight, patience and a sense of perfect timing. Is a stone of transformation. It clears, balances and protects your aura though changes, reduces stress and attracts success. It helps provide clarity and insight into your destiny. It can be used for dream recall and finding ways to use dreams in your daily life. Increases intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, helps with subconscious issues and provides mental illumination.

Turkey Medicine - Feathers - a spirit animal closely associated with honoring nature and the Earth. Symbol of abundance, this totem animal encourages us to honor our sources of nourishment, whether they are physical, emotional or spiritual. Reminds us to develop a harmonious relationship with the land and our environment and consider them as foundations to our well-being and sustenance. A powerful guide to unlocking the fullness of life and feeling content with what we have instead of accumulating material belongings to seek happiness.

Infused with the energies of Reiki & The Councils of Light.

8 inches tall, 10 inches wide.

Comes with a card that describes all the properties of the wood, stones, and animals.

Download my Free Self-Love Shamanic Vibration Meditation -

Blog - How to Care for Your Wood

Materials: Palo Santo,Sleeping Beauty Turquiose,Celestite,Blue Chalcedony,Blue Lace Agate,Aquamarine,Blue Fluorite cubes,Chrysocolla,Apophyllite,Flame Aura Quartz,Azurite,Cavansite with Quartz,Galena

Only 1 available

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