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Shamanic Healing Wand Sacred Altar

Secret Fairy Garden

Enhances Spiritual Awareness; Helps to Align with Your Own Divinity; Strengthens Connection to Higher Realms, Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, the Fairy Realm, the Animal Kingdom & Inner Wisdom; Brings in Light & Raises the Vibration of All Those Around; Transmutes Negative & Heavy Energy; Aids with Healing & Releasing Old Wounds, Patterned Emotions & Sabotaging Behavior Patterns; Heals, Clears & Aligns on all Levels; Promotes Healing; Deepens Meditation & Journeying; Encourages Forgiveness, Selflessness, Courage, Self-Love, Compassion, Joy, Emotional Balance, Peace, Gentleness, Inner Stability, Creativity, Generosity, Awe, Magic & Mystery.

Cholla Cactus Medicine - Helps with Letting Go of your present way of thinking & being so that you can see from a higher perspective. Assists with healing and releasing struggle, defensiveness, limitation and fear. Aids with opening the mind to Higher Consciousness and stepping into a more integrated Higher Self. Encourages being open hearted within your relationships. Helps us with using and being grateful for all that we have, rather than always wanting more. Reminds us to Never Give Up!! No matter how hard the journey may get.

Quartz – powerful energy amplifier, attunes to the perfect energy of the person needing healing; raises energy to higher levels physically and spiritually, master healer. Quartz injects clear white light into the aura that acts to elevate ones vibration and to purify stagnant energies and blockages.

Yellow Fluorite - Known as the “genius” stone, boosting aptitude, discernment and learning. Promotes unity, intellect and creativity. Aligns will-power and the mind to bring dreams into reality. Brings healing to the Solar Plexus Chakra helping to rewrite stories of who you are and how you serve. Expands consciousness. Encourages optimism, clarity, focus, harmony and psychic awareness.

Amethyst – powerful protective stone; strong healing and cleansing powers; enhances spiritual awareness, promotes love and forgiveness; encourages selflessness, promotes emotional centering; dispels fear and anger; calming and stimulating synergy; balances and connects physical, mental and emotional bodies linking them to the spiritual.

Fluorite – psychically and physically protective; aids with discernment; cleanses and stabilizes the aura; draws off negative energies and stress; ground and integrates spiritual energies; quickens spiritual awakenings. Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It helps one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our mind. A great stone to calm and relieve anxiety and stress. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues.

Malachite – a stone of transformation; helps with change and spiritual evolution; clears and activates chakras; bridges the energy of heart and root chakras. Is particularly useful for balancing and clearing the Heart Chakra. Very protective; good for enhancing emotional stability and balance.

Serpentine – Atlantisite - exceptional meditation stone. It helps you to find inner peace. May stimulate the arousal of the kundalini energies. Useful in clearing away blockages in the chakras. Promotes cellular regeneration and healing. Assists letting go of the past. Encourages connection with the elementals and fairy realm. Assists with sending healing and love to Mother Earth. Great for finding ways to look at situations from a higher perspective. Soothing to the emotional body allowing for change and growth to be done with more ease. Can help with being less sensitive to the thoughts, comments or opinions of others. It can help you feel more self-confident and less invested in receiving external praise or appreciation. It engenders a sense of being protected, stimulating you to move into new realms and social circles without hesitancy or fear. Serpentine is a grounding stone that will help you with meditation and spiritual exploration. This stone clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra. It opens your psychic abilities and helps you understand the spiritual basis of life.

Moss Agate - sometimes called the "gardener's stone" due to its mystical properties of helping ensure a full crop. Is said to bring general abundance, success, and prosperity. It is also said to help one gain peace with extreme or excessive duties in life and brings self-confidence and higher self-esteem. Is also said to be a metaphysically protective stone. Associated with the heart chakra, which indicates stone of compatibility and friendship. Can act as an anti-inflammatory while improving circulation and eliminations systems, enhancing healing of all types. Helps develop intuition.

Yellow Jasper - builds self-confidence and enthusiasm, channeling positive energy and attracting others to you. A crystal of the intellect, encourages constant learning. Highly protective and grounding. Ideal for attuning to the Earth and wildlife. Assists with emotional clarity, helping one to see relationships and situations as they really are and to gain a better understanding before moving forward. A stone of spiritual protection and assistance during all spiritual practices, shamanic journeywork and deep meditations. Provides guidance through one’s earthly experiences and moving one forward on life’s path.

Aventurine - is one that aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable, which is why it is often call the good luck stone. Releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles. It also reinforces one’s decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities, injecting a sense of humor and openness to the ideas of others. Very connected to the Heart Chakra and the energy of Love.

Prehnite – a stone of unconditional love. It is said to connect to the Archangel Raphael. Enhances inner knowledge, showing the path forward to spiritual growth through attunement to Divine energy. Connect the will and heart, and boosts actions to attain the highest good. Strengthens intuition and helps to recognize truths. A stone of vision. Works well during meditation to access higher levels of awareness, stimulating the 3rd eye chakra.

Carnelian - opens your heart and connects you to your inner self, directs your will power, grounds and balances your Base Chakra, gives you courage and fluency of speech and is a powerful physical healer. Its energy is warm, joyous, invigorating, uplifting and open! Can increase your perceptiveness, create inspiration and to take action. Use it to dispel apathy and sorrow, and to protect from envy, fear and rage. Stimulates your mind and aids in concentration, helping you to remember and make decisions. Is a great empowerment and self-confidence booster.

Citrine – a joyful stone with bright energy, which lights up many aspects of lives of those who work with it. Energizing and highly creative; absorbs transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy therefore protective of the environment. Brings joy, harmony and optimism. a solar plexus chakra stone used metaphysically to increase, magnify and clarify personal power and energy. It is useful for meditation, psychic awareness, and spiritual development.

Lemon Quartz - Amplifies creativity, organization, optimism & wellbeing. Meditation with lemon quartz will enhance the focus on goals and intentions, brings a clear and bright outlook to envision the future just as you want it. Drives away negative thoughts & brings out positive characteristics.

Epidote - a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one's vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Can inject a sense of hopeful optimism into one's emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. Great for spiritual work and growth, aids in attuning to Spirit. Can help you to have a greater knowledge of who you really are and your spiritual purpose. This stone is a catalyst for change, and once you have clarified your ideals, it will aid you to manifest your dreams into reality. Strong emotional healer, will help you to feel lighter and freer, and makes it easier to be aware of feelings from the past. Strong Connection with the Heart chakra.

Chrysoprase - Green Chalcedony - useful in balancing yin/yang energies and aligning your Chakras with the ethereal plane; activates and opens your Heart Chakra, instilling a state of grace and facilitating a deep meditative state. It helps heal broken hearts, eases depression, reduces superiority and inferiority complexes, and strengthens will and life force. It brings harmony and balance, light-heartedness and joy. Helps make conscious what was unconscious, encourages hope, improves your eyesight and assists in clarifying problems. Aids in bringing harmony into relationship.

Pink Tourmaline (Rubellite) – great for self-love, compassion, promoting feelings of joy and enthusiasm; releasing old hurts; aids in trusting the power of love; allows you to embrace your inner strength, confidence and balance.

Green Tourmaline - is a healer on all levels. Used to purify and strengthen your nervous system so that it can circulate increased spiritual energy. it is also commonly used for the creation and manifestation of goals and is believed to be particularly helpful for creativity and abundance. Helps you to see with the eyes of love. Opens and aligns the heart chakra. Increases ability to connect with Divine Love.

Zoisite - an energizing stone said to dispel lethargy, to enhance vitality and to transform negative energy into positive energy. It can encourage you to be your own person and to revel in your own uniqueness, prompting you to follow your own path and not to follow the crowd. Iis believed to enhance creativity. It is a useful stone if you have lost your creative spark as it is said to encourage you to focus on what you really enjoy and want to be doing. Is also said to promote trust in the universe and in the ultimate goodness of life, lifting your spirits and allowing you to be happy.

Rhodochrosite – perfect for balancing emotions; cleansing and balancing the Heart chakra; promotes acceptance of the past; assists in loving the self; assists in releasing self from blame, invokes courage, will & passion. A powerful emotional healer, radiating a strong energy of Divine Love; Deepens connections and love for Pacha Mama (Gaia).

Aragonite – potent aid to assist the healing and balancing of the emotional body and help overcome stress and anxiety. Because of the structure of aragonite it sends light out in all directions to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in its surroundings. Also excellent for healing and connecting w/ Pacha Mama. Assists with connecting and communicating with higher realms. Aids with relieving stress and anger. Increases self-worth and confidence. Has a positive influence on your brain, nervous system and heart, bringing energy to chronic fatigue sufferers.

Rose Quartz – Stone of Unconditional Love and Infinite Peace; purifies and opens the heart; brings deep inner healing and self-love; strengthens empathy and sensitivity; aids in releasing unexpressed emotions; invokes forgiveness and acceptance. Soothes social anxiety.

Bloodstone - aligns all levels with the physical realm and helps your soul to strive upwards, towards the light of the Divine. It strengthens your will to do good. An intense healer and stone of courage, it helps to accept the re-alignment of energies and helps you to be present in the moment. Use Bloodstone for renewal of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. It helps to revitalize love, relationships and friendships.

Pink Amethyst - offers strong protection against the negative energies of the environment and the bad spirits around you. Assists with achieving bigger goals in life. It aids in healing and releasing old wounds. Strengthens the health of 7th chakra and relieves all ailments associated. It directs the personal power to align with the highest goals in life. Aids with opening to new relationships. Enhances the connection with the higher states of meditation and consciousness.

Unakite – Stone of Vision, balances emotions w/ spirituality, activates the 3rd eye, can be grounding when needed. Assists w/ bringing Light, integrating insights, promoting spiritual growth, reaching rood causes allowing them to surface and be transformed. Promotes physical wellbeing. Strengthens mother and child during pregnancy. Activates, purifies and enhances the sacral and root chakras. Enhances Vibration and gives a sense of wellbeing.

Infused with the energies of Reiki & The Councils of Light.

15 inches long.

Comes with a card that describes all the properties of the wood, stones, and animals.

Download my free Self-Love Guided Shamanic Sound Meditation -

Instructions for caring for you wood -

Cholla Cactus,Quartz,Yellow Fluorite,Amethyst,Fluorite,Malachite,Serpentine,Moss Agate,Yellow Jasper,Aventurine,Prehnite,Carnelian,Citrine

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Cholla Cactus, Quartz, Yellow Fluorite, Amethyst, Fluorite, Malachite, Serpentine, Moss Agate, Shamanic Healing Wand Magic, Medicine Tool

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Shamanic Healing Wand Sacred Altar

Secret Fairy Garden

Enhances Spiritual Awareness; Helps to Align with Your Own Divinity; Strengthens Connection to Higher Realms, Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, the Fairy Realm, the Animal Kingdom & Inner Wisdom; Brings in Light & Raises the Vibration of All Those Around; Transmutes Negative & Heavy Energy; Aids with Healing & Releasing Old Wounds, Patterned Emotions & Sabotaging Behavior Patterns; Heals, Clears & Aligns on all Levels; Promotes Healing; Deepens Meditation & Journeying; Encourages Forgiveness, Selflessness, Courage, Self-Love, Compassion, Joy, Emotional Balance, Peace, Gentleness, Inner Stability, Creativity, Generosity, Awe, Magic & Mystery.

Cholla Cactus Medicine - Helps with Letting Go of your present way of thinking & being so that you can see from a higher perspective. Assists with healing and releasing struggle, defensiveness, limitation and fear. Aids with opening the mind to Higher Consciousness and stepping into a more integrated Higher Self. Encourages being open hearted within your relationships. Helps us with using and being grateful for all that we have, rather than always wanting more. Reminds us to Never Give Up!! No matter how hard the journey may get.

Quartz – powerful energy amplifier, attunes to the perfect energy of the person needing healing; raises energy to higher levels physically and spiritually, master healer. Quartz injects clear white light into the aura that acts to elevate ones vibration and to purify stagnant energies and blockages.

Yellow Fluorite - Known as the “genius” stone, boosting aptitude, discernment and learning. Promotes unity, intellect and creativity. Aligns will-power and the mind to bring dreams into reality. Brings healing to the Solar Plexus Chakra helping to rewrite stories of who you are and how you serve. Expands consciousness. Encourages optimism, clarity, focus, harmony and psychic awareness.

Amethyst – powerful protective stone; strong healing and cleansing powers; enhances spiritual awareness, promotes love and forgiveness; encourages selflessness, promotes emotional centering; dispels fear and anger; calming and stimulating synergy; balances and connects physical, mental and emotional bodies linking them to the spiritual.

Fluorite – psychically and physically protective; aids with discernment; cleanses and stabilizes the aura; draws off negative energies and stress; ground and integrates spiritual energies; quickens spiritual awakenings. Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It helps one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our mind. A great stone to calm and relieve anxiety and stress. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues.

Malachite – a stone of transformation; helps with change and spiritual evolution; clears and activates chakras; bridges the energy of heart and root chakras. Is particularly useful for balancing and clearing the Heart Chakra. Very protective; good for enhancing emotional stability and balance.

Serpentine – Atlantisite - exceptional meditation stone. It helps you to find inner peace. May stimulate the arousal of the kundalini energies. Useful in clearing away blockages in the chakras. Promotes cellular regeneration and healing. Assists letting go of the past. Encourages connection with the elementals and fairy realm. Assists with sending healing and love to Mother Earth. Great for finding ways to look at situations from a higher perspective. Soothing to the emotional body allowing for change and growth to be done with more ease. Can help with being less sensitive to the thoughts, comments or opinions of others. It can help you feel more self-confident and less invested in receiving external praise or appreciation. It engenders a sense of being protected, stimulating you to move into new realms and social circles without hesitancy or fear. Serpentine is a grounding stone that will help you with meditation and spiritual exploration. This stone clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra. It opens your psychic abilities and helps you understand the spiritual basis of life.

Moss Agate - sometimes called the "gardener's stone" due to its mystical properties of helping ensure a full crop. Is said to bring general abundance, success, and prosperity. It is also said to help one gain peace with extreme or excessive duties in life and brings self-confidence and higher self-esteem. Is also said to be a metaphysically protective stone. Associated with the heart chakra, which indicates stone of compatibility and friendship. Can act as an anti-inflammatory while improving circulation and eliminations systems, enhancing healing of all types. Helps develop intuition.

Yellow Jasper - builds self-confidence and enthusiasm, channeling positive energy and attracting others to you. A crystal of the intellect, encourages constant learning. Highly protective and grounding. Ideal for attuning to the Earth and wildlife. Assists with emotional clarity, helping one to see relationships and situations as they really are and to gain a better understanding before moving forward. A stone of spiritual protection and assistance during all spiritual practices, shamanic journeywork and deep meditations. Provides guidance through one’s earthly experiences and moving one forward on life’s path.

Aventurine - is one that aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable, which is why it is often call the good luck stone. Releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles. It also reinforces one’s decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities, injecting a sense of humor and openness to the ideas of others. Very connected to the Heart Chakra and the energy of Love.

Prehnite – a stone of unconditional love. It is said to connect to the Archangel Raphael. Enhances inner knowledge, showing the path forward to spiritual growth through attunement to Divine energy. Connect the will and heart, and boosts actions to attain the highest good. Strengthens intuition and helps to recognize truths. A stone of vision. Works well during meditation to access higher levels of awareness, stimulating the 3rd eye chakra.

Carnelian - opens your heart and connects you to your inner self, directs your will power, grounds and balances your Base Chakra, gives you courage and fluency of speech and is a powerful physical healer. Its energy is warm, joyous, invigorating, uplifting and open! Can increase your perceptiveness, create inspiration and to take action. Use it to dispel apathy and sorrow, and to protect from envy, fear and rage. Stimulates your mind and aids in concentration, helping you to remember and make decisions. Is a great empowerment and self-confidence booster.

Citrine – a joyful stone with bright energy, which lights up many aspects of lives of those who work with it. Energizing and highly creative; absorbs transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy therefore protective of the environment. Brings joy, harmony and optimism. a solar plexus chakra stone used metaphysically to increase, magnify and clarify personal power and energy. It is useful for meditation, psychic awareness, and spiritual development.

Lemon Quartz - Amplifies creativity, organization, optimism & wellbeing. Meditation with lemon quartz will enhance the focus on goals and intentions, brings a clear and bright outlook to envision the future just as you want it. Drives away negative thoughts & brings out positive characteristics.

Epidote - a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one's vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Can inject a sense of hopeful optimism into one's emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. Great for spiritual work and growth, aids in attuning to Spirit. Can help you to have a greater knowledge of who you really are and your spiritual purpose. This stone is a catalyst for change, and once you have clarified your ideals, it will aid you to manifest your dreams into reality. Strong emotional healer, will help you to feel lighter and freer, and makes it easier to be aware of feelings from the past. Strong Connection with the Heart chakra.

Chrysoprase - Green Chalcedony - useful in balancing yin/yang energies and aligning your Chakras with the ethereal plane; activates and opens your Heart Chakra, instilling a state of grace and facilitating a deep meditative state. It helps heal broken hearts, eases depression, reduces superiority and inferiority complexes, and strengthens will and life force. It brings harmony and balance, light-heartedness and joy. Helps make conscious what was unconscious, encourages hope, improves your eyesight and assists in clarifying problems. Aids in bringing harmony into relationship.

Pink Tourmaline (Rubellite) – great for self-love, compassion, promoting feelings of joy and enthusiasm; releasing old hurts; aids in trusting the power of love; allows you to embrace your inner strength, confidence and balance.

Green Tourmaline - is a healer on all levels. Used to purify and strengthen your nervous system so that it can circulate increased spiritual energy. it is also commonly used for the creation and manifestation of goals and is believed to be particularly helpful for creativity and abundance. Helps you to see with the eyes of love. Opens and aligns the heart chakra. Increases ability to connect with Divine Love.

Zoisite - an energizing stone said to dispel lethargy, to enhance vitality and to transform negative energy into positive energy. It can encourage you to be your own person and to revel in your own uniqueness, prompting you to follow your own path and not to follow the crowd. Iis believed to enhance creativity. It is a useful stone if you have lost your creative spark as it is said to encourage you to focus on what you really enjoy and want to be doing. Is also said to promote trust in the universe and in the ultimate goodness of life, lifting your spirits and allowing you to be happy.

Rhodochrosite – perfect for balancing emotions; cleansing and balancing the Heart chakra; promotes acceptance of the past; assists in loving the self; assists in releasing self from blame, invokes courage, will & passion. A powerful emotional healer, radiating a strong energy of Divine Love; Deepens connections and love for Pacha Mama (Gaia).

Aragonite – potent aid to assist the healing and balancing of the emotional body and help overcome stress and anxiety. Because of the structure of aragonite it sends light out in all directions to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in its surroundings. Also excellent for healing and connecting w/ Pacha Mama. Assists with connecting and communicating with higher realms. Aids with relieving stress and anger. Increases self-worth and confidence. Has a positive influence on your brain, nervous system and heart, bringing energy to chronic fatigue sufferers.

Rose Quartz – Stone of Unconditional Love and Infinite Peace; purifies and opens the heart; brings deep inner healing and self-love; strengthens empathy and sensitivity; aids in releasing unexpressed emotions; invokes forgiveness and acceptance. Soothes social anxiety.

Bloodstone - aligns all levels with the physical realm and helps your soul to strive upwards, towards the light of the Divine. It strengthens your will to do good. An intense healer and stone of courage, it helps to accept the re-alignment of energies and helps you to be present in the moment. Use Bloodstone for renewal of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. It helps to revitalize love, relationships and friendships.

Pink Amethyst - offers strong protection against the negative energies of the environment and the bad spirits around you. Assists with achieving bigger goals in life. It aids in healing and releasing old wounds. Strengthens the health of 7th chakra and relieves all ailments associated. It directs the personal power to align with the highest goals in life. Aids with opening to new relationships. Enhances the connection with the higher states of meditation and consciousness.

Unakite – Stone of Vision, balances emotions w/ spirituality, activates the 3rd eye, can be grounding when needed. Assists w/ bringing Light, integrating insights, promoting spiritual growth, reaching rood causes allowing them to surface and be transformed. Promotes physical wellbeing. Strengthens mother and child during pregnancy. Activates, purifies and enhances the sacral and root chakras. Enhances Vibration and gives a sense of wellbeing.

Infused with the energies of Reiki & The Councils of Light.

15 inches long.

Comes with a card that describes all the properties of the wood, stones, and animals.

Download my free Self-Love Guided Shamanic Sound Meditation -

Instructions for caring for you wood -

Cholla Cactus,Quartz,Yellow Fluorite,Amethyst,Fluorite,Malachite,Serpentine,Moss Agate,Yellow Jasper,Aventurine,Prehnite,Carnelian,Citrine

Only 1 available

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